Friday, May 26, 2006

The Almighty Paradox..

Recently while orkuting I came across this post..
Is God all powerful and capable of doing anything?

Assuming there is an Almighty God, can this all-powerful force build a wall so high that can never be jumped over by any force. In case he can, then God is no more all-powerful coz He cannot jump over the wall. In case He does jump over the wall then God fails in his mission of creating such a wall. So He still is not all-powerful.

So the question remains: Is God really all-powerful???

so here is my version of the answer..
well lets achieve the solution by warping things up..
lets us assume that the god is almighty..

now this means he can control what we humans can think.. He can control what we think is achievable and not.. He is the person who introduced this almighty paradox in your head..
similarly he is the one who can make u believe that yes he has created a wall that is unbreachable.. and he (to make things in tune with our perception of reality) makes u believe that since the wall in unbreachable he himself cannot cross it .. while the truth is something else.. our concept of unbreachable and breachable is only limited to our perception of reality..

remember The Matrix.. yeah its sorta similar..
my favorite phrase for it is "Rethinking Reality" .. ponder over it guys.. it will give ur mind something to chew on for a while..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

1stly, me love the matrix (tho me has cn only 2)..the names theyve kept, the ideology..gr8!

2ndly, i believ, God is nothing but a supernatural force..i agree to wat u say, God dsnt control evrythng, but there are sumthnz that no1 but him can control n decide..

keep explorin!

11:18 PM  

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